A heuristic model for determining the sperm motility grade by video tracking
Diego Gárate$^{1}$, Rosario Medina Rodríguez$^{1}$, Filomen Incahuanaco$^{1}$, Cesar Beltrán$^{1}$
$^{1}$Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Lima Peru
email: diego.garate@pucp.pe, rosarior@ime.usp.br, manager_27@hotmail.com, cbeltran@pucp.pe
Schedule:Wed 21st@15:45, Room: D

Sperm motility analysis is an important part in the fertility analysis and at the same time is a good example of the tracking multiple objects and video surveillance problem from a computational point of view. Currently the most used method for this analysis is the direct inspection which is inaccurate, subjective, a not repeatable procedure, and difficult to teach. This article attempts to overcome these barriers using computer vision techniques and also proposes a heuristic model based on movement direction and Euclidean distance to track sperm in videos obtained from an artificial sperm cells simulator.


	author 		= {Diego Gárate and Rosario Medina Rodríguez and Filomen Incahuanaco and Cesar Beltrán},
	title 		= {A heuristic model for determining the sperm motility grade by video tracking},
	booktitle 	= {2015 XLI Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI)},
	pages 		= {11--16},
	year 		= {2015},
	editor 		= {Hector Cancela and Alex Cuadros-Vargas and Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas},
	address 	= {Arequipa-Peru},
	month 		= {October},
	organization 	= {CLEI},
	publisher 	= {CLEI},
	url 		= {http://clei.org/clei2015/144098},
	isbn 		= {978-1-4673-9143-6},

Generated by Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas , Sociedad Peruana de Computación-Peru, Universidad Católica San Pablo, Arequipa-Perú