Prediction of Tourist Traffic to Peru by using Sentiment Analysis in Twitter Social Network
Ricardo Linares$^{1}$, José Herrera$^{1}$, Ana Cuadros$^{1}$, Luis Alfaro$^{1}$
$^{1}$Universidad Nacional de San Agustín. Arequipa Peru
Schedule:Wed 21st@15:45, Room: B

—This work involves the use of tweets, from the Twitter social network in which the users manifest the desire to travel to the country of Peru, to build a predictive tool of tourist traffic. To make this task an automated collection of tweets using web crawling has been built and a Naive Bayes algorithm has been used for sorting tweets as part of sentiment analysis. In the final part, we shown the results of the application of the tool for predicting the influx of tourists to Peru.


	author 		= {Ricardo Linares and José Herrera and Ana Cuadros and Luis Alfaro},
	title 		= {Prediction of Tourist Traffic to Peru by using Sentiment Analysis in Twitter Social Network},
	booktitle 	= {2015 XLI Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI)},
	pages 		= {798--804},
	year 		= {2015},
	editor 		= {Hector Cancela and Alex Cuadros-Vargas and Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas},
	address 	= {Arequipa-Peru},
	month 		= {October},
	organization 	= {CLEI},
	publisher 	= {CLEI},
	url 		= {},
	isbn 		= {978-1-4673-9143-6},

Generated by Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas , Sociedad Peruana de Computación-Peru, Universidad Católica San Pablo, Arequipa-Perú